Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Craft Fair....SUCCESS!

I am happy to say that our booth was the busiest on our strip! At times there was a line just to get in! We had a few girls who where most likly middle schoolers that came in and said "this is my favorite booth in the whole fair, I could spend all day in here looking at all the pretty bows!" And the kept coming back, and buying something different every time! The fourth time they came back we told them that they could all pick a free bow and holder for being such good costumers! I have to agree with them it was very appealing to the youngsters eye! Its all about marketing!!! We had such a good time, it was a blast! My mom came up from D.C., some friends from North Dakota came down to lend a hand, and of course as always, my sister was there as well. We had no idea what to expect from a vender's point of view. Knowing when I go to the fair I am usually just there to look, maybe steal a few ideas, and rarely ever buy anything. But we did great! We made just about $3,000! We are so happy about it. Our best seller was the little hair clips($2) that my dad made, and the baby snuggles ($50). We where asked from many of our customers if we where going to be back next year, and I am pretty sure the answer is YES! (unless of course we are out of the country meeting our little one! But even if we are my sister will man the booth!) I was talking with our vendor neighbours and they said that attendance and sales where majorly down this year, with that being said I am THRILLED with the amount we made! Here are some picts of the craziness...