Friday, February 1, 2008

Life Change's

I was reading a friends blog today and stopped and thought about mine. I was thinking that I don't have much to say these days. But than it dawned on me...Brian and I have had a major 'life change' and there is so much to talk about. So here we go! This summer I started feeling that I need a different way to let out all of my stress and so I started walking which turned into jogging which is gradually turning into running. I have set a goal that this summer I will run at least 2 marathons. In all of this running I have lost just about 40lbs. I have found that this is a major stress reliever for me and I get to do what I love best SHOP more!!! Recently, Brian has joined the gym with me, and he is looking mighty svelte. But even better Brian has begun acupuncture treatments. He goes to a little Chinese lady's house every Saturday morning and gets his treatments. He laughs because she doesn’t speak very good English if any, so he is not quite sure if she is actually treating him for infertility or something completely different. I personally think she is putting the needles in the wrong place because he's sexual drive has shot up 400%. I am not sure how I feel about this!! LoL :) She actually specializes in infertility so we know that he is getting the correct treatment! He also is taking herbal supplements given to him from the Doctor. So twice a day he mixes up his 'potion' it looks very similar to seaweed and dirt! Brian says that seaweed and dirt would probley taste better. But like a champ he chokes it down every time! Another wonderful life change that Brian has made is he has stopped drinking. He has not had an alcoholic drink since the beginning on the year. I am so proud of him. The doctors say that alcohol plays a huge factor in infertility. We have been doing so much research on what else we can do to help his sperm count, we found out that Yoga is extremely good for infertility, because yoga massages your organs. So yes, Brian and I have purchased our yoga mats and ready for class to begin. We are looking into one more possible treatment that we may do. But I am not going to talk about it yet because we are still gathering information and searching for the perfect doctor. But I will let you all know more about it later. Hopefully with our new life style we will have some positive results. If it doesn’t improve anything fertility wise at least Brain and I will be in good shape and know that we have done everything to get our bodies in the best shape they can be in


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you guys!!! I can't believe Brian hasn't had a drink, Keep it up guys!!!!!!!!

Chris & Christy said...

Rock on! I can't believe that you are down 40lbs, wow! I noticed last summer that you were looking awesome, but 40lbs is crazy great! I must say that I am totally impressed that Brian is being such a champ, and he is going to do Yoga with you???? That is amazing! Where are you taking your classes? I too would love to find a good local Yoga class! Yoga is my favorite release, you feel so amazing afterwards! Please keep us posted on life and on your baby journey. Sure hope Brian's acupuncturist is truly treating him for fertility purposes too. :)


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