Monday, June 30, 2008

What a week!

What a week! My mom who lives in D.C. has been visiting for about a week now and what a whirl wind its been! We have been getting ready for the Little Falls Craft Fair for our hopefully biggest and most profitable fundraiser. For those of you whom don't know, the Little Falls Craft Fair is the biggest craft Fair in MN. Around 30,000 people attend it every year. They pretty much close down the city of Little Falls and it turns into one giant Craft Fair. We are making Purses, Child and adult aprons, children's hats and burp cloths. So needless to say we are sewing our little fingers off! Here are some pictures of just a few of the thousands of aprons what we are making if anyone is interested in buying anything let me know! We can personalize everything. Brian my wonderful husband was busy all weekend picking up donations for out enormous garage sale that we are having at the end of Aug. I have had so many people donate to our garage sale that it is taking over 1/2 our basement and our third garage stall! We are thinking about pushing the sale up to the middle of July because we are running out of space to store it all! What a terrible problem to have, right! In between driving all around MN he ran and finished his first 5K run! I am so proud of him he ran it in just over 20 min, that's almost a 5 1/2 min mile. Yahoo My sister is getting married in the fall in Lake Tahoe, so we are taking a girls week and heading to San Fransisco and then driving to Lake Tahoe for a few days. We leave Thursday. What a whirl wind this week has been! On the adoption front, we are filling out the paper work for LMI and hopefully Brian will be sending it in while I am in CA. We have chosen Summit to do our home study so we have been tring to get everything in order for that. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!


McMary said...

Hi Jill and Brian,
I just found your blog through another one. What a great decision you have made! I am a future Mom waiting for my invitation to travel to Kazakhstan for my child. I have followed Christy's blog for months and love reading about Zahri. I also live in Minnesota--down south in Rochester--so it is cool to find other MN-Kaz moms.

Jennifer said...

Oh wow, those are beautiful! How do I get one made for Gigi? Seriously. Do I have to show up to the craft fair or can I special order one through you (my email is on my profile page)?

We used Summit too and liked them. In fact, Jim was just at our house this week doing our 1 year post placement! Woo hoo! :-)

Congrats to Brian on finishing his run!

Also in regards to Mary's comment above- all of us Minnesotan's should get together sometime! That would be so fun.

Anonymous said...

My mom and I go to Little Falls every year, and your aprons are adorable. I'm looking forward to getting one!