Monday, August 11, 2008

Garage Sale

Well it is FINALLY over! After weeks and weeks of thinking that we would not make it through the Garage Sale Extravaganza we are glad to report that we are all alive and well. As for our garage, the aftermath is not quite all cleaned up! We made a trip to the Salvation Army and are waiting for ARC to come this week and grab the rest. We ended up having to use my neighbours garage for all the clothes, shoes and purses. It actually worked out perfectly! We decided to open the sale Wednesday for 3-8 and are we ever glad we did. It was crazy busy we brought in $600 that night and were able to maintain that amount every day. We didn't open on Sat the weather was just to nice and Brian made some rounds to other sales to see what the traffic was like and there wasn't anyone out. They all must of headed up to their cabins! (I know that's where I would of been if I had the chance!)Brian and I where hoping to make at least $1,000 and we are happy to report that we have surpassed that goal and made $1,699.55. I threw in a some change right before I brought everything to the bank to make it an even $1700! Although there is still money coming in. I went out with some gals on Sat night and one of my friends called me to let me know that her aunt ( who was with us that night) handed her an envelope with Garage Sale written on it for Brian and I. People are so generous. We are now 100% focused on the Little Falls Garage Sale in September, than I will be able to breath again! Here are some picts of the sale...


Suzette & Tate said...

The is awesome cash you guys. Way to go. I love garage sales and I always feel better that people are buying my unused stuff rather than me throwing it away. One person's trash is another's treasure. Congrats!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! I'm glad it went so well.

Anonymous said...

Good post.