Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's about time!

After a lots of days and nights in the hot garage getting ready for our garage sale. Its finally time to open the doors and start the sale! I am super pumped, I am not sure if I am more excited for the extra cash for all our expenses or if I am more excited to get my garage back in order! As of today, may whole garage is full of stuff, my neighbour across the street's garage is full and their neighbour's house as well. We decided that we would have all the clothes,shoes and purses across the street and everything else at our place. With big signs that say MORE -> There was just to much stuff for one garage, it was way to overwhelming not to mention you couldn't walk in there! I do have a fear that no one will show up...same fear I have when I throw parties, I have no idea why I have this fear, but it always ends up being a success! I am worried about the traffic. We live in a neighbourhood so hopefully with all my bright signs, people will be mesmerized and follow them! A special thanks to all my friends and sister who has spent endless hours in my garage sweating their booties off to make this happen. One special thanks to my neighbour Taylor who would have much rather been hanging out with her friends all summer being that she is going into 9th grade. But she has been a solid consistent in the garage sale extravaganza! Thanks all!


Andrea said...

Welcome to the LMI family! I am a SKM with LMI and am in contact with Christy! She's my go-to person when I have meltdowns :-)

I submitted my dossier to LMI today, so it's a big day here. I'd loveto follow your journey and invite you to follow mine at www.adopting-lily.blogspot.com

Best of luck,
New Hampshire

Jennifer said...

I hope the garage sale goes well!