Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Just a quick update... Still no baby, seven days over due. Although we had dinner with the birth mother tonight. It is always so reassuring when we meet. Both Brian and I are super excited because she asked us to go to a appointment with her on Friday (if she hasn't already had him) At this appointment they will be checking to make sure that there is enough fluid around the baby and will be setting up a time to induce him. Everyone is hoping that he comes sooner and on his own before than! So if you all could


Katie said...

Praying and thinking of all of you and for a safe arrival of Baby Garrett! Keep us posted.

vonnebarnett said...

It is a good thing that she has not gone into labor super early. This means that the birth mother has taken good care of her body and her baby. If the birth mother does not take care of her diet then this almost always means premature labor. I had midwives for all of my pregnancies and they all said that poor diet means that the placenta is weaker and leads to early labor. I wanted to share this to put a positive spin on your waiting. Vonne Barnett