Friday, May 11, 2007

My First Medication Melt Down

I had my prescription transferred over to Target so I could pick it up on Saturday. I told the lady on the phone that if there was ANY TROUBLE getting this transferred or any reason why I wouldn't be able to pick it up on Saturday that she needed to call me ASAP, it was very important. Since all my meds are very time and date specific. Well I went to Target on Saturday to pick up my meds and to my surprise they didn't have them. The pharmacist yelled across the pharmacy that they couldn't get it. I asked her why I wasn't called like I specifically asked. She was being so rude to me and didn't even have the curtasy to come closer to me. She had a major attitude, and said that they tried to contact the doctor but he didn't return their call. I tried to explain to her that, that was the reason why I told them to call me if there was a problem, that I could get through to the doctor faster with a different number. She told me that if I could contact the doctor today they could fill my prescription. Apparently she was a moron and forgot it was Saturday. So I kind of started to cop an attitude and asked her if I could have 2 pills to get me through the weekend. Of course she said no. Even though other places do that. I left in a an angry rage. I was still so angry that I thought it would be a good idea to call them back and really express how I felt about the poor service that I received. (this is never a good idea!) So I called and gave them a piece of my mind. I told them that I have been waiting for 2 1/2 years to finally get to this point and I am paying way to much money and I am not going to let an ignorant person who doesn't know how to take notes or read, screw this up for us. I told her how rude she was (b/c I was being so polite!) and that when someone screws up that they should apologize and try to fix it. Then I went on and on about who knows what. Even though in my head I was telling myself that this wasn't OK to be doing. But I seriously couldn't stop. I got home and ran to my bedroom and cried, cried and cried. I swore off ever going to Target again. Poor Brian! He had no idea what was going on. I ended up having Brian go to Target the next day and pick up the prescription that they were able to find a way to fill and they ended up giving us a gift certificate for our trouble. Don't worry, I have been to Target several times since the 'incident.' Although I avoid the pharmacy like the plague. I am still a little embarrassed! So, If you ever get a job at the Monticello Target you will most likely see or hear me on the training video, on 'how to handle an out of control customer.'

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