Sunday, May 27, 2007

Three down one to go!!

This morning I had another ovarian ultrasound to see how my follicles (eggs) are growing. Brian came with me this time. Being that it is a Sunday morning they didn't have their full staff so Brian was more than just a supportive husband, he was in charge of writing down all the measurements. (even though he didn't say anything I know that he enjoyed feeling helpful in such a help less situation.) They say that a mature follicle is anything bigger than 15mm. The largest one that I have is 19.5mm. Yahoo! They are ranging anywhere from 19.5 to 10.5. They say I have 16 that are just about to reach maturity. So we are looking good for our retrieval! My Large follicles are starting to cause me some discomfort. It sort of feels like right before you are going to get your period and your ovaries are sore. I can feel them in every step that I take when I bend over, sit, well pretty much all the time. Sometimes when I sneeze it feels like they are going to blow right out of me! Although it is painful it is nothing that I can't handle, its a small price for such a huge pay off!

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