Saturday, May 12, 2007


In late March I over heard a parent talking about a 60 year old woman who is walking around the world to raise money for prostate cancer and Russian Orphans. She started in Whales over 3 years ago, and arrived in the US just in time for those terrible snow storms that we got this year. I was really taken by this woman's dedication. This mother talked about how Rosie was in St. Cloud the day before and heading down HWY 10 towards Big Lake. So I thought I would keep an eye out for her and maybe stop and tell her how amazing I thought she was. Little did I know what an impact she would have on me. Driving home that night I came across her sitting on the side of the road taking a break. I thought this was a good time to say hi and see if there was anything that she needed. I stopped and talked with her for just a few minutes. I left there feeling like I too could concur the world! I thought if she could walk around the world all by herself pulling a cart with all her belongings in it, fight off wild animals, learn things from convicts on the run, survive 30 days without seeing anyone in Siberia, broken ribs AND frost bitten toes, and still continue to be such a happy person with the most trusting and loving heart. Then I could make it through this. Yes it sucks and sometimes you want to give up but your love and faith will see you through. A few days later I again saw Rosie on the side of the road. It was a weird day in March, it was extremely hot! I stopped again and chatted with her, we got to talking and I ended up inviting her over to our place for dinner. (Ironically she was going to Elk River to catch a bus to bring her back to St. Could so she could catch a ride to the Dentist in Park Rapids with another lady that she had met on her journey!) Anyway, she came over to our place for dinner, we chatted with the neighbors and then I drove her up to St. Cloud. She asked if she could leave her cart with all her belongings in our garage. We were more than happy to let her leave it at our home. Rosie has a "pet" name for her cart of belongings, ironically, it is one of the only names Brian and I have agreed on for our children. SIGN #1! A week later she called to see if I could pick her up from St. Cloud so she could continue her journey around the world. She was more then happy to have me pick her up. On our way home we were talking about her life and it turns out that she has 2 adopted children from Russia. Of course I had a lot of questions about that. Rosie was able to give me some contact information from the orphanage that she is actively involved with and we actually called and talked to someone from the orphanage that day! SIGN #2! It was amazing how this woman fell into my life so unexpectedly and disappeared just as mysteriously as she came in. I like to think of her as my angel that was sent to me when I needed some extra reassurance. Thank you Rosie!

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